Monday, April 2, 2012

What The World Needs Now...

Is another folk singer, like I need a hole in my head."

So goes the song. And that's pretty much how I feel about entering the blogosphere.

Recently my friends have been encouraging me to blog. I'm guessing this is a good idea since my Facebook posts have been getting rather long. And since most of my friends are reading at work, on their employer's dime, it's only fair to them to let them know what they are getting into. I'm flattered that my meanderings might be of interest long enough to compromise someone at their job. That's something of an accomplishment for me.

When I think about why I write and what I want this blog to be about, I think it can only hope to be about nothing in particular, but that it should be crafted in a way that it becomes undeniably 'something.' I know how contrived that sounds, but it's my mission statement, for better or worse, plus it's the only way I really know how to write. And if it makes you late for a meeting, then I'm probably doing my job. So here then, is a blog about art-making, Dog walking, wine drinking, divine and secular intervention, and whatnot. Especially whatnot.

Also, I've reposted some of the Facebook entries from the past year that I've really liked. Thanks to everyone who has caused me to believe this is worth the effort.



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